Monday, September 15, 2008


Have you noticed that everyone has a cell phone? If you haven't noticed there has to be something wrong with you. No matter who it is, and most any age older than 11 has a "cell" now-a-days.

I remember our first cell phone. I was about 8 or 9 years old, and we got it so my dad could drive from Ohio, where we lived, out to Colorado. It was this little brief case type bag, about 10 inches long, and maybe 8 wide. You had to unzip the case to get the phone out. Now you could see what you were about to call someone on. It was about 8 inches long, it was huge, and it had a cord attached to the case. This thing was no flip-phone, and no one would be cough dead with it now; it was a house phone that you could make calls on when you where not home.

Today, if you don't have a cellphone your really not that cool, (or so it may seem). Most Every person today would never be cough dead without a cell. The smaller and the cooler the phone the better you are. Why are these stupid little computers so popular to have. The Cellphone was made so you can make calls on it when you were away from home; now you can take pictures, video, instant massage, check you e-mail, text, and isn't there one more thing?...Oh yeah, call people.

Today Texting is one of the biggest things to do. When I first got my cell, I couldn't do a darn thing, now I can text without looking. I know I'm not the only person out there that has that talent. Most everyone can do it. I see people in class glance down enough to see who texted them and what it was about then, they go back to "paying attention" to the teacher, but you can see them still taxting under the table.

Colleges use texting for emergencies, politicians use texting for advertising. Texting is one of the biggest new ways of interactive media. I would be willing to bet that there is not a second of the day that someone is not texting, and it's more than just one person at a time.

So because 99.99% of every body has a cellphone, there's just one question out there, do cell phones give you cancer?

I doubt it...


Anonymous said...

I completly agree just because of the fact that i'm guilty of this too. (lol) Instead of trying to fix a problem, everyone else has jumped on the band wagon too to use text messaging. Since everyone is on such a technology kick, organizations even started to broadcast on MySpace.

But kids are now starting to get phones even younger. My brother got his phone in 5th grade while I got mine my freshman year of high school. The new generation is now changing. I don't like it, haha.

Unknown said...

You know I have heard that you can get cancer from cell phones. Also that when they show up they look like the phone themselves. Cell Phone radiation and radiation make cancer.