Thursday, November 6, 2008

President Elect

Well on Tuesday, the 4Th, new history for America was made. As you should know by now, Obama was the first African-American, or Black person to ever be elected to one of the highest seats in the world, President of the US. I think it's pretty cool to be able to tell my kids, and grandkids that I watched him be elected.
But, not to sound racist, but was he elected because of what he stands for, or was it simply because he is a minority? He had one of the biggest minorities turn out votes ever. Like I said, I'm not racist, so don’t think it; but it seemed like that was one of the main reasons for people to vote for him, when they were asked on TV.
At any-rate, it's still pretty cool that it happened; let’s just hope he knows what he's doing, and does what he says he's going to do.