Monday, October 6, 2008


During any election, but manly the Presidential elections, does our vote really count? Could it be where people with higher power already know who will be the next president, but they make us feel like we have a chose, and have to power to vote into office who we want. Media is so world wide, any average Joe can state his opinion on the Internet and try to persuade other people the vote for the person he likes. Is this just something to make us feel more like we have a say. You hear all the time how we live in a free country, (which it's a lot better than any country out there) but come-on, we don't get to vote for who we want for president, if that was the case I'd vote for Mike Huckabee, but it's the people with the power who says who we get to vote for, they narrow it down to two people, that we get to vote between.

We do get to vote, but does it count? Today the media makes us, (the people) feel like we hold such a strong seat when it comes to elections, we get to state our opinions, we get to vote for who we want, we can even make our own blog, to project our believes to anyone who will read it.

So what do you think, does the government already know who will be the next president and does the media play it up so we think we need to vote, or does our vote really count?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think one thing that would make a better argument is that we vote but the electoral college really makes the decision on the next president of the U.S not the majority vote.